Bethany Taylor

A bit about Bethany Taylor and her roots in design

Bethany Taylor (Hubartt) is a graphic designer who specializes in print, digital and web design with 13 years of design experience.. She currently lives in Louisville, KY and is a Product Designer at Humana where her team works on

On the side Bethany takes on freelance graphic design projects, enjoys working with ceramics and does custom cake decorating as a KY Home Baker.  She has lived in 7 different states and Africa, so she loves to visit her friends and family when possible. But she can also be found gardening, reading, being active with church, or cooking with her husband.

Throughout her design career she has worked with clients such as The Boys & Girls Club, Philo, Embry Hills Church of Christ, Physical Therapy at Walmart Health, Mercedes-Benz Dealerships, and more. She has created designs for emails, billboards, wall decals, signage, t-shirts, book covers, retargeting banners, social media, stickers, logo identity, ebooks, websites, web prototypes, direct mail and the list goes on! Her experience of working closely with vendors across the country, means she can take a project from concept to an in-hand deliverable!

Because she loves the world of design, she especially enjoys helping new designers learn the ropes of “designing in the real world” and get them excited for a career in design!

My curiosity in art & design started at an early age, admiring my Dad’s artistic abilities - whether through his small sketches of people he had met during his day, intricate Halloween pumpkin carvings, or birthday cake designs - I was entranced.  I decided to pursue graphic design because I love how communication design touches our daily lives. Its influence is often unrecognized, but it affects us in many ways - such as what advertisements will catch our attention, why and how long we browse a website or perhaps what cereal we purchase. The concept of how art can both be enjoyed and touch our daily lives motivates me to further explore the world of design.
— Bethany Taylor

Let’s be friends on Instagram @findthejoy